Monday, December 1, 2008


oh pp-lizzz...
can u please stop askin me about when or why dont accept him.!!
u're gettin bit annoying...
i noe u wont see dis...
but just stop dat crap pls..ish.


whenever u have problems with ur dear...
dont always 'dong bu dong' jiu find me leh...
say real..i with her is not so close like what u think...
and i dono much about her...
so...whenever she dint reply u or what...
dont always find me...
i CANT help u...!!
dont spam me too...
i noe u LOVE her and CARE her...
then let her LOVE u and CARE u like how u does!!!
i CANT do anything!!
depends on her wether wana reply u or not...
or maybe u did smth wrong dat makes her dont wana reply u or so...

damn...i'll get tired or sick of it too sometimes...!!

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