Monday, May 11, 2009


there's two words to describe the recent weather..
darn HOT.
even school's air-conditional spoiled today...
few of the classes were teaching with the doors opened.
but ours were closed.
about 20 people in a small room = darn HEATY. =="
summore i wore jeans and untied my hair today...
imagine that..duh~
huili and i even tried to run away from being called to do the excercise on board..
so we went down to have a snack together.
when we got into the class....
*heheheheheheh* =="
the teacher just went through 1 or 2 questions only...
then he asked us to do the excercise on board.
le-mao.cant escape from it too in the end.
maybe the teacher knew our childish motive?? LOL

in the class, we had planned a plan that will be going to accomplish it next month~
wohoo~ *really WISH that the plan can go on succesfully...=( God Bless.*

*arghhhhh!!!!! S. i HATE 2009's MAY!!! darnn....*

**WISH that everything going to be ALRIGHT.
i DONT wana f**l!!
i need a motivation now!! ><
God Bless Me. Amen.**

PAULINE EE POH LING aka dear aka ytbb!!! le-mao~~
i din't skip meals la..heheh.don worry~
reli suka chubby chubby de me?? HAHAHAH
"despite in different altitudes and longitudes, both hearts ARE always connecting."
w-o-w~ nice mou? XD

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